Cigar Shop:Cigar, Brand List A-D, Davidoff
Davidoff Cigars Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection 2023 (8 1/2 x 48)
Davidoff's brand history is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. One of those was the Aniversario No. 1, back in its day created to celebrate Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday in 1986. As part of the brand's captivating The Difference campaign, Davidoff Cigars re-rolls cigar history for the third time this year and surprises its loyal aficionados by bringing back a limited edition of the popular double corona. The majestic Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection cigar delights aficionados with balanced flavours of cedar wood, roasted nuts and fresh spice and is an ideal present for collectors around the world. With a remarkable enjoyment time of 140 minutes, the double corona offers appreciators of the cigar a unique opportunity to create new memories while reminiscing about moments past with this masterpiece.
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