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Zino Z80 Humidor - Natural Oak and Red - 80 Cigar Capacity
Zino Z80 Humidor - Natural Oak and Red - 80 Cigar Capacity

Zino Z80 Humidor - Natural Oak and Red - 80 Cigar Capacity

RS-/ 250,000.00

(Approx) Dimensions: 36.5 x 24 x 14 cm

(3 products available)

'Cigar enjoyment is your own. It cannot be dictated. The new Z80 humidor by Zino is a large size humidor to hold and care for 80 cigars. It keeps your cigars in optimal conditions, ensuring a relative humidity level of 70‐72%. Inspired by contemporary environments and unexpected designs, it blends shiny black lacquer with a warm wooden lid.'

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